Illinois Central #4110

Builder: Pullman Standard
Dining Car

The Monticello Railway Museum is very fortunate to have two vintage Illinois Central dining cars in our collection. Similar to No. 4112, Illinois Central No. 4110 was built in 1949 by the Pullman Standard Company of Pullman, Illinois, for use on the Illinois Central’s streamlined passenger trains. It was named the Shadrach Bond, after the first governor of the State of Illinois.

After it was retired from active service, the Shadrach Bond was acquired by the Pacific Railroad Society of San Dimas, California. That organization donated it to the Monticello Railway Museum in 2015. Volunteers restored the car’s interior and exterior to its historic Illinois Central appearance. Today, No. 4110 is used alongside the museum’s other Illinois Central dining car, No. 4112, for special events.